Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Campbell PA is dedicated to the promotion of diversity, equity and inclusion among faculty, staff, and students and within our curriculum. To this end, Campbell PA established a PA program specific Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) committee in 2021 made up of faculty, staff, and students, including the Wallace Student Society Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer.

The Campbell PA program is committed to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion through several key initiatives.

  1. The program has implemented a plan to assess DEI efforts, drawing insights from three years of faculty, staff, and student surveys.
  2. DEI has been integrated into the didactic curriculum through expanded lectures, grading rubric revisions that consider patient context, and experiential activities addressing underserved populations including the Campbell University Community Care Clinic and MedFest serving Special Olympics of North Carolina.
  3. The clinical curriculum now includes patient-centered DEI elements, such as revised rubrics and diverse patient scenarios in preceptor materials. In addition, the Contextualizing Health and Healthcare course in the clinical year educates students on how to integrate community-oriented primary care, the principles of patient-centered medicine, including the social determinants of health, and evidence-based medicine to determine the most appropriate treatment plan for their patients. 
  4. A holistic admissions approach has been employed to recruit a more diverse student body, with adjustments to the application process and additional support resources.
  5. The program provides faculty, staff, and students with extensive DEI resources, including toolkits and centralized online platforms through the university.
  6. Recruiting efforts are focused on attracting diverse faculty and staff through broader, targeted outreach.

These ongoing efforts reflect the program’s dedication to creating a more inclusive environment for all members of the Campbell PA community.

For more information on PA DEI projects among the faculty and within the curriculum, please contact Mary Carr Bentley, DEI Committee Chair.

DEI Resources for Students

DEI Resources for Faculty Campbell University Multicultural Committee Information

For CPHS Diversity and Inclusion information, contact Dr. Peter Ahiawodzi.
