Experiential Education

Experiential education is a critical and significant portion of the student pharmacist’s overall education at the Campbell University College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences (CPHS). One-third of our students’ education takes place through a continuum of required and elective pharmacy practice experiences and is designed to assist in optimally preparing the student for current and future practice as a pharmacist.

Experiential education represents the component of Campbell’s PharmD curriculum where students apply didactic education and the use of this knowledge to various pharmacy practice settings. Students will progressively develop their knowledge and practice-based skills through introductory and advanced, as well as, required and elective pharmacy practice experiences.

The practical experiences of our educational programming facilitates the transition of student-pharmacists into competent, confident, caring, and practice-ready pharmacists.

Office of Experiential Education

The Office of Pharmacy Experiential Education (OPEE) is located within the pharmacy practice department in the College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences. The office is responsible for managing all introductory and advanced practice experiences for pharmacy students.

The members of the OPEE are:

Shawn Carrillo
Director of Experiential Education
800-760-9697, ext. 1709

Tammy Parker
Administrative Coordinator for Experiential Education

Tina Thornhill, PharmD, FASCP, BCGP
Associate Professor
Vice Chair for Experiential & Professional Education

Experiential Programs Advisory Committee

The Experiential Programs Advisory Committee (EPAC) was formed in 2007 to ensure that the College of Pharmacy’s experiential programs continually satisfied or surpassed ACPE standards and guidelines, CAPE outcomes, and the CPHS’s strategic plan.

EPAC members represent a broad spectrum of pharmacy practitioners from within the College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences as well as the state of North Carolina. Committee appointments come from the Dean’s office with input from the Department Chairperson and OPEE.

The committee meets to discuss issues of importance to the OPEE, including faculty appointments of preceptors and quality assurance measures for experiential learning.