Nursing Curriculum



The Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice [American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), 2008] and the American Nurses Association Nursing Scope and Standards of Practice (2015) provide the framework for the development of the liberal arts and pre-licensure nursing education curriculum and the associated clinical experiences. The Essentials address the core knowledge required of nursing professionals and concepts of client centered care, interprofessional teams, evidence-based practice, quality improvement, patient safety, informatics, clinical reasoning, genetics, cultural sensitivity, professional values and practice across the life span.

The first two years in the plan of study provides a foundation of science and art upon which the nurse is able to develop clinical judgments, challenge assumptions, develop a broad knowledge base, visualize a systems approach and appreciate the values of diversity and professionalism.

The practice experience in the final two years enhances the connections with didactic content and facilitates growth across the curriculum. The rationale for sequencing of courses facilitates moving from the simple to the complex. Students begin their nursing courses by learning to assess and plan care for meeting basic needs of the independent community based adult followed by the nursing home resident at variable levels of required skill. Upon completion of the program, students are working as a team member to organize, implement, collaborate and evaluate nursing care for groups of clients/families, community groups and populations. The student evaluations demonstrate increasing expectations in clinical performance. 


The following curriculum is a guideline for required courses in the program. Students are free to work with their assigned advisor to create the most effective course schedule to complete the prerequisites.

Freshman Year

Semester 1

Courses Credit Hours
ENGL 101 – Academic Writing 3
HIST 111 or 112 – Western Civilization 3
BIOL 111 – Basic Biology 4
CPHS 100 – CPHS Pre-Professional Freshman Seminar 1
PE 185 – Lifetime Wellness 2
MATH 111 (or greater) 3
Total Hours 16

Semester 2

Courses Credit Hours
CUC 100 – Campbell Connections 0.5
ENGL 102 – Academic Writing & Literature 3
PSYC 222 – General Psychology 3
BIOL 275 – Fundamental Microbiology 4
CHRS 125 – Intro to Christianity 3
A/M/T 131 – Intro to Art, Music, or Theater 3
Total Hours 16.5

Sophomore Year

Semester 3

Courses Credit Hours
CUC 200 – Campbell Connections 0.5
ELECTIVE (Humanities/Fine Arts)* 3
SOCI 225 – Principles of Sociology 3
BIOL 285 – Human Anatomy & Physiology I 4
PSYC 260 – Developmental Psychology 3
Total Hours 13.5

Semester 4

Courses Credit Hours
ENGL 2XX – Literature 3
BIOL 286 – Human Anatomy & Physiology II 4
COMM 261 – Team & Small Group Communication 3
MATH 160 – Statistics 3
Total Hours 16

Junior Year

Semester 5

Courses Credit Hours
NURS 300 – Professional Nursing Practice 2
NURS 310 – Health Assessment 3
NURS 320 – Fundamentals of Nursing Practice with Older Adults 6
NURS 330 – Concepts of Pathophysiology & Pharmacology I 4
Total Hours 15

Semester 6

Courses Credit Hours
NURS 350 – Research & Evidence Based Practice 3
NURS 360 – Adult Health Nursing Practice I 5
NURS 370 – Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing Practice 4
NURS 340 – Concepts of Pathophysiology & Pharmacology II 4
Total Hours 16

Senior Year

Semester 7

Courses Credit Hours
NURS 400 – Adult Health Nursing Practice II 6
NURS 410 – Nursing Practice of Women & Children 5
NURS 420 – Leadership in Nursing 3
NURS 430 – Health Policy 2
Total Hours 16

Semester 8

Courses Credit Hours
NURS 450 – Population Health 4
NURS 460 – Focused Patient Experience Practicum 6
NURS 470 – Transitions to the Role of the Professional Nurse 3
NURS 475 – Managing Healthcare of Vulnerable Populations 2
NURS 480 – Nursing Informatics 2
Total Hours 17

*Elective (Humanities/Fine Arts/Social Behavioral Sciences) – Students must take a total of 9 credit hours from the Humanities/Fine Arts and Social/Behavioral Sciences elective lists. At least 1 course must be selected from the Humanities/Fine Arts elective list and at least 1 course must be selected from the Social/Behavioral Sciences elective list (section B. below). Humanities/Fine Arts elective list (3 – 6 hours): CHRS 202, 212, 224, 236, 251, 322 or higher; PHIL 121; ENGL 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, or 206; HIST 1XX, 2XX, 3XX, or 4XX; Foreign Language 221, 222, 241, or 242. Social/Behavioral Sciences Subtotals: B.S.N. 3 – 6 hours.

Grading Scale

The BSN grade scale varies from the standard grade scale and influences progression and remediation for BSN students. This academic rigor is aimed at ensuring that the Catherine W. Wood School of Nursing BSN graduate is a safe and effective care provider.

Campbell University School of Nursing
A: 90 – 100 A: 90 – 100
B: 80 – 89 B: 80 – 89
C: 70 – 79 C: 75 – 79
D: 60 – 69 D: 60 – 74
F: < 60 F: < 60

Academic Requirements

  1. A student must earn a grade of 2.0 (75%) in each nursing course.
  2. Clinical nursing courses (Fundamentals of Nursing Practice with Older Adults, Adult Health Nursing Practice I and II, Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing Practice, Nursing Practice of Women and Children, Population Health and the Essentials of Baccalaureate Nurse Generalist Practicum) are dependent on test/examinations and other assignments (papers, presentations, clinical paperwork).
  3. A student must achieve an average grade of 75% on test/examinations in order to successfully complete courses, at that time, all graded course requirements are computed into the final grade. If less than a 75% average is earned, the course grade is computed only on the test/examination average.
  4. A student earning a grade of less than 2.0 must repeat the course. If a student earns less than 2.0 in a second nursing course, the student is dismissed from the program and is ineligible for readmission to the School of Nursing. A nursing course can be repeated one time only.
  5. Two course failures within the School of Nursing results in dismissal from the program.