The Community Pharmacy Institute (CPI) will form the basis for the continued support of community pharmacy practice in North Carolina and will augment existing educational opportunities for current students while improving community-based pharmacy care for patients.
The CPI is working to create mechanisms to further support community pharmacy practice through education, collaboration, and training with a focus on creative and sustainable business models to enhance community based patient care services in North Carolina. Given the shifting landscape of health care in the United States, the highly competitive marketplace in health care, and the difficult economic realities facing small businesses today, Community Pharmacy Institute is committed to providing additional support and preparation to students, alumni, and community pharmacists around the state.
The Community Pharmacy Institute continues to host its annual continuing education event at the Pinehurst Resort in Pinehurst, NC each spring. Scholarships have been provided to pharmacy students with an interest in promoting community pharmacy in North Carolina after graduation. Please sign up using the link below to receive information on upcoming CPI events and activities that may be of interest to you. Additionally, if you feel the CPI may be able to assist your business growth, please reach out to Katie Trotta.
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